To lead others without a strong message is powerless. Find yours now! And you also get mine as bonus and a good example
Leadership call is a future vision of a better life that you want to share with others to follow and make whatever it takes in order to achieve it! So, how to find it out, how to formulate it? I will share with you my signature formula of leadership call methodology "PICK", which helped many people during my practice to find their leadership message and inspiration to lead others. First of all, do not start with a message that fits others' expectations. This is 100% a failure path. Always start from your heart! 1. Think about a few critical problems that exist in our society, something that makes you feel furious, curious, excited, compassionate, etc. Don't be scared to think big, you can always narrow down the problems later and find something specific that you will be able to contribute. This part I call "Problem" -> P 1A. List big problems that you care about. 2. Analyse which ones you have the biggest am...