To lead others without a strong message is powerless. Find yours now! And you also get mine as bonus and a good example
Leadership call is a future vision of a better life that you want to share with others to follow and make whatever it takes in order to achieve it! So, how to find it out, how to formulate it?
I will share with you my signature formula of leadership call methodology "PICK", which helped many people during my practice to find their leadership message and inspiration to lead others. First of all, do not start with a message that fits others' expectations. This is 100% a failure path. Always start from your heart!
1. Think about a few critical problems that exist in our society, something that makes you feel furious, curious, excited, compassionate, etc. Don't be scared to think big, you can always narrow down the problems later and find something specific that you will be able to contribute.
This part I call "Problem" -> P
1A. List big problems that you care about.
2. Analyse which ones you have the biggest ambition and chances to impact? Don't hold yourself from the most inspiring item, just because you do not have yet all the relevant knowledge or resources. In my experience, the lack of something is the easiest problem: you can get it! Unless we speak about time, but then creative solutions can still fulfil the need.
This part I call "Inspiration to Impact" - > I
3. Once you've chosen the area of impact define what is the ideal output of the change
This part I call Change -> C
4. What is your role and contribution to it as a kicker?
This part I call "Kicker" -> K
Therefore the leadership call formula is called PICK.
The formula helps you to find your key leadership call in order to be in your PICK leadership state to inspire others.
Let me give my example.
1. I care about high-quality education and interesting creative methods that help people to understand even difficult subjects, I want everyone on this planet to be able to learn and have enough knowledge to analyse and make the right choices for our society, for a positive development of mankind and our future.
I also care about efficient ways of working, because I see too many people sacrificing their personal life to work, do things they do not like and spend all their life in stress, regrets and problems.
And the last but not the least item I care about is woman self-esteem. It's probably larger than just about women because it's all about the relationship we build with others and men a large part of that word, so it's all interdependent. But my focus is on women because I am a woman too and I learned so many things about great women that get really successful happy life because they know how to play with their strengths and get what they want.
2. Although I like all of the areas, the biggest ambition to IMPACT is the first one, since I believe having a good understanding of the things can get a right background for people's life-balance and women self-confidence since we do have quite a lot of information around those topics today.
3. I would like to have a good scientific understanding of how people learn and we already have quite some understanding which can be applicable in our methodologies so studying programs can be engaging. I also would like to support new ways of learning with digital tools and technology that can make the process much more interesting and interactive, simpler and visual, accessible and flexible which make the studying more adaptable to new realities, like quarantine online education.
4. Since I have a deep understanding of how people learn, what makes knowledge "stick" into a person's mind, I can help develop educational programs much more interactive, engaging and easier. I also was building online platforms of education and I know the feelings the educator and the participants get, so this can help with improving user-friendly experience meanwhile building digital solution.
This is my overview. What is yours?
Share if this was useful or you had your AHA moment :)
All the best in your journey!
KR, Leo Kleo
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