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Entrepreneurs and managers explain how corporate culture influences learning environment in the companies.

Every entrepreneur knows how important is to have qualified staff in the company! They invest sometimes millions to assure that employees always learn and develop, making processes more efficient and achieve higher results!
   Also, a lot of entrepreneurial emphasize that training and development process is more productive, when you have a good corporate culture in your company. That means, that employees feel enjoy of learning and strive to hone their skills as much as possible. Nobody is pushing them to do this. Nobody require this! They just have enough understanding that the better they are the higher demand has their skills! The higher salary the get!
   Here I Would like to reflect some ideas about that, from employee and employer perspectives:

1. Olia Braguta, the former Director of Client Experience and Training at "Yalla Seyarah LC" in 
Dubai, affirms: "To start understanding how the corporate culture influences the learning environment in a company you have to start identifying what is an organizational culture in the first place and find in the meaning of it the threads that go to the orbits of learning. Employees that identify themselves with the vision of he company, the values and the core meaning of why the company is doing what it is doing is what will also "drag" them, if i may call it this way, towards deeper knowledge of how they can contribute more. They reach a level of  understanding that through more and deeper knowledge they contribute to their own professional growth in the company, hence to the growth of the company and hence again for their own career. In the end, we all have selfish reason as human beings but in the right position of the organizational culture and the presence of the learning environment those reasons may be a collective success."

2. Ruslan Cojocaru,  the founder of international chain of coffee shops "Tucano Coffee"
consider, that the corporate culture is a core factor for learning environment. "In a young company everything starts from the leader. If he or she reads professional books, visits different trainings and promote the culture of permanent development of the employees - that will be the best way to grow people in the company. A good company's training system is also a great way to develop people. And it also needs a lot of resources. I think, the companies that have an efficient culture and strategy of training and development, have the chance to succeed in long term."

3. Alex Cucer, who's part of the team at Mindvalley can share how corporate culture influence learning environment for the perspective of the Mindvalley. "Here people are driven to grow and learn by the culture and rituals they have. It makes even people who don't want to grow"!

4. The founder of BIZZ.md - Vali Rotaru also shares that when the values of the company are established, there is a necessity to educate your employees to understand these values and respect them in their daily life. And this is the same important as the development of  other skills, because it influence attitudes and behaviors of the employees.

In conclusion, we have to admit, that values and core believes of the employees affect their interest in development, both personal and professional! If somebody doesn't feel responsible for the services quality in your company, they will never try to learn more about this services. That means the employee also doesn't feel respect to your customers, because otherwise this person will care how it effects customers level of happiness and satisfaction. Therefore corporate culture boost the efficiency of learning process. The more corporate culture is developed, the more responsible employees become and the higher their level of excellence!


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