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Give and receive - my credo of the happy life! Reflection on my birthday!

    Today is my Birthday and I feel me super happy to be surrounded by my lovely family, friends and all other people I met on my life path. Today, I am turning 28 and I experience so much love to all special people in my life and feeling happiness to be who am I and be where am I today.

     What makes my life full of meaning, happiness and love is the principle of given and receiving.
I would like to share this on my personal example, since it could also make somebody happier!
     Every time I am part of a project or organization, or group of people I always ask myself which value I can give to what we do together and also people, who involved in this. I can't say I always succeed, but I learn to put put my energy in everything I do, as it could be the last time. The fascinating think is that you have enough energy and resources to add value and make people around you feel special!
     For example, I was doing a lot of volunteering, since I saw how training could make other people become aware about their true destiny or at least make them think about this, reflect very deep and find a light in their life! Positive changes in people's life bring me a lot of motivation and personal satisfaction!
    So the more you give, the more you receive!
    For a long period of my life it was harder to receive things.  But it's so a wonderful think to accept and be grateful for the wonderful opportunities or presents that come in you life. Today I focus my energy not on saying that people shouldn't do for me certain things, but focus on thanking them and be really grateful, happy, exited about everything I receive! The awesome thing about this, it's that other people also become more happy, when they see you accepting things they give you and your radiation of happiness!

   For making these day even more Special I would like to thank 10 people that contributed for who am I today:

1. My mom - Svetlana. She taught me to be brave and fight for fairness, to never give up and make fun of  serious things, that could easily ruin you!

2. My sweetheart - Tomas. He shows how efficiently to communicate in the relationship, showing respect, love and no judging attitude! Accept  your partner as she is, growing together, supporting each other and investing every day in a better relationship. Don't get the things by granted! Be always recognized and thankful!

3. My father - Ivan. He taught me to be fair with  people and  to deliver the best quality in everything I do!

4. My teacher of Marsh alarms - Maxim. He showed that the fight shouldn't be the first solution you  take to resolve the conflict. Peace and respect are the main attitudes we have to even our enemies.

5. My ex CEO - Irena. She showed that being a successful businesswomen and leader, lovely mother and super active social person is possible! You don't have to sacrifice your dreams!

6. My friend from Master - Alina. She had a phrase that always made my worries to decrease: " Le't solve the problems by the way their are coming!"  That wise advice was super useful to stop worrying about things that never happened)

7. My brother - Kostea. He showed me how children want to explore things and it's  good to let them do and create as they feel, to make their own mistakes.

8. My mentor - Ilie! He motivated me to work hard, preparing me any training, bringing an impact to people's life and take any challenges as an advantage to learn something new, to pass through fears, to be a better version of myself and never be lower than my "average" standards are.

9. My predecessor as coordinator of trainers team - Olia. She showed me clearly that you can't be good with everybody, you have to not to tolerate incompetence and be taught even you don't like it!  A leader should fight for his team and be responsible for team's result!

10. My "soul doctor" - Daniel. He helped me to go through a deeper understanding that my anger about others is the reflection of myself. Sometimes we make assumptions that don't reflect the reality, we react to things, without any clear understanding why people did it for us. We also try to please others, not being sincere with ourselves and losing our identity, our happiness.

      I am super thankful for  a lot of people, who made my life special till here, since there are so many wonderful of you! I send you my positive thoughts and ask you to receive it, as you truly truly deserve it, being unique and special!!!!!!!!!


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