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What do you have to think about, starting a business.

      Starting a business is a new adventure in life of anybody who decided to become an entrepreneurial. And there are a lot of things you have to think and plan in order to make your business successful on the market.
      Let me present you 6 the most important things I have answered myself when I started my own company.

1) What value my company is providing to outside world?
2) Why do I want to run this business?
3) Who are my clients and where do I reach them?
4) Do I have competitors? Who they are? What is the best they do in this business?
5) What is my unique point? How do I differ from my competitors?
6) What are the 20 ways of making this kind of business profitable ?

And just after answering to this questions I was moving forward to the strategy and budgeting.

Let's see short overview (maybe it will serve you an idea or a model of you future business, I am not afraid to share it)😃

So here are the brief answers for the main 6 questions:

1) What value my company is providing to outside world? 

Company's mission is to provide accelerating and interesting methods of fast personal developing and efficient team management skills. Companies will find the best way of managing their teams in order to work efficiently and have happy employees.

2) Why do I want to run this business?

 I saw how much productivity depends on managers skills that could ruin a business or vice versa, make it to prosper and lead. The main key of success is about investing in your people, who's skills bring you high performances. I want to consult managers and help them  develop these managerial skills in order to build the best performing and happiest teams!

3) Who are my clients and where do I reach them?

My clients are managers in Stockholm, who has at least 3 people in the team.
I can reach them:
a) on linkedin
b) on events for managers
c) in co-working spaces
d) researching international companies and call them
e) by friends
f) other consultants who work in another field, for example accountability, but also knows companies with my target clients

4) Do I have competitors? Who they are? What is the best they do in this business?

Implement Consulting Group
a) Takes responsibility to make fantastic solutions to become reality
b) Passionate to create impact with the companies
c) Big expertise background in different management aspects.

a) Makes the business processes easier, optimizing them
b) Develop softs to facilitate the processes.

a) work with our clients to build the capabilities that enable organizations to achieve sustainable advantage
b) practical and innovative solutions in transformation

5) What is my unique point? How do I differ from my competitors?

a) Personal approach to each case or person
b) Creative way of providing services to boost involvement of the customer
c) Enjoying participation for both - service provider and customer, - of solution oriented tools/methods/strategies.

6) What are the 20 ways of making this kind of business profitable ?

  1. Challenges regarding personal development, involving people I know and then spread it through their friends
  2.  Public events with several guests, that struggles with certain problems and solved it, sharing their motivational speeches and having the open panel of Q&A
  3. Public trainings
  4. Personal coaching for individuals
  5. Online programs of personal development
  6. App for achieving goals or over important skills
  7. Books
  8. Corporate training
  9. Coaching with managers
  10. Companies'  assessment
  11. Personnel testings and personal strategy of developing
  12. Training in partnership with different projects for managers or personal developing
  13. Coffee time an learning circles with people who want to learn and people who already experience certain skills
  14. Audiobooks
  15. Conferences for companies
  16. Preparing guidelines for companies how to develop certain skills
  17. Every week newsletter with new interesting tool (subscription)
  18. Blogging
  19. Vlogging
  20. Deliver training on international conferences in collaboration with other companies.

    All these ideas and perspectives form your dipper understanding of the perspectives what you want to do and what will be the value of your business on the market.
    Do you really want to be an entrepreneurial? Are you already at least to start with a little thing, that doesn't take any risks?
    Take a sheet of paper and answer to these 6 interesting question and reflect how vital is your business idea ;) Good luck!


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