I always considered what people think about me! The sad part about this is that their opinions were really influencing me, my behavior and way of saying the truth. Admit, that it's so hard to not to give a sh*t, what people think about what you say, how good you are at the work or even how you look.
But few months ago I had a very interesting experience, that made me feel much peaceful and be happy with my own way of doing things without caring so much what people think about this.
I have been walking on the street and saw a stranger who was staring at my shoes. I hope actually she liked them! But it was a weird feeling and my thoughts was all about this for the couple of seconds and then I was realizing, it's not my problem if she liked them or not! It's actually her problem if it wan't right for her! And this principle I started to apply for everything!
If somebody don't like what I say - it's not my problem, it's their problem they have another point of view or they can't find the right argument to convince me!
If somebody don't like what I do - It's their problem they can't explain what they want me to do!
If somebody don't like how I look- they may had a poor taste of beauty😀 I am kidding, it's just their problem they don't like it!
And look, everything becomes so much easier. You make your problem of worrying to somebody's problem, because it's all about their opinions, feeling, preferences. And if It doesn't coincide with yours- it's not your problem!
There is also a good joke about this principle of life:
"Abram shifts in the bed and can't asleep.
His wife- Sarah,- asks:
-What's wrong, Abram? Why are you not sleeping?
- I owe 50$ to Jacob and I don't know how to return them.
Sarah opens the window and screams:
- Jacob!
From the other side of the street screams another voice:
"What, Sarah?"
- Abram owes you 50$?
-Yes, Sarah!
- So, he said that he will not give them back!
She closed the window and told Abram:
- You sleep, now let Jacob doesn't sleep! "
So, in this little joke we see the same principle of stopping to care and make life easily! Of course, you shouldn't go in extremes, but you've got how easy it this attitude works in daily life!
But few months ago I had a very interesting experience, that made me feel much peaceful and be happy with my own way of doing things without caring so much what people think about this.
I have been walking on the street and saw a stranger who was staring at my shoes. I hope actually she liked them! But it was a weird feeling and my thoughts was all about this for the couple of seconds and then I was realizing, it's not my problem if she liked them or not! It's actually her problem if it wan't right for her! And this principle I started to apply for everything!
If somebody don't like what I say - it's not my problem, it's their problem they have another point of view or they can't find the right argument to convince me!
If somebody don't like what I do - It's their problem they can't explain what they want me to do!
If somebody don't like how I look- they may had a poor taste of beauty😀 I am kidding, it's just their problem they don't like it!
And look, everything becomes so much easier. You make your problem of worrying to somebody's problem, because it's all about their opinions, feeling, preferences. And if It doesn't coincide with yours- it's not your problem!
There is also a good joke about this principle of life:
"Abram shifts in the bed and can't asleep.

-What's wrong, Abram? Why are you not sleeping?
- I owe 50$ to Jacob and I don't know how to return them.
Sarah opens the window and screams:
- Jacob!
From the other side of the street screams another voice:
"What, Sarah?"
- Abram owes you 50$?
-Yes, Sarah!
- So, he said that he will not give them back!
She closed the window and told Abram:
- You sleep, now let Jacob doesn't sleep! "
So, in this little joke we see the same principle of stopping to care and make life easily! Of course, you shouldn't go in extremes, but you've got how easy it this attitude works in daily life!
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