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Сообщения за 2017

Подводим итоги уходящего 2017 года!

    В этом году, можно сказать, я начала многие вещи с чистого листа, так как, переезжая в другую страну, ты создаешь новую историю вокруг себя, ты познаешь новый менталитет и выстраиваешь новые отношения с окружающими! С одной стороны - это захватывающе и интересно, с другой - может быть довольно сложно! Одно могу сказать точно, когда рядом есть человек, который в тебя верит, то многие вещи проходят быстрее и легче.    Итак, что удалось в этом  году: 1. Я переехала в Швецию к своему любимому молодому человеку. Моей целью было обустроить наше новое гнездышко красиво и со вкусом. Думаю, что это нам удалось и без особо большого бюджета. В Швеции, часто можно найти через различные сайты или даже фэйсбук объявления с очень интересной и красивой мебелью по очень приличной цене или даже бесплатно. Главное, обеспечить перевозку. Нам это 2 раза очень подсобило. Остальную мебель мы приобретали. 2.Познала для себя катание на лыжах в этом году. 3. Начала изучать с...

5 Successful principles of goal setting for the NEW YEAR! It's not about SMART!

    For the last 6 years I was practicing intensively goal setting tools and one of the important part of it -is to set up goals for upcoming year. It's not as chaotic as a lot of people do it, just making a bucket list. If you really want to succeed, let me explain crucial moments that made a huge difference in my personal yearly achievements.     First , define you personal mission and vision - these 2 elements are crucial to make your goals aligned to your life meaning. Otherwise you will be floating as a boat on the sea without any long-term direction.      For example, my personal vision statement at the moment is: "supporting and positive international trainer and coach with balanced life ( work- exercise - food - relaxing- travel) and efficient life management style!"                            my personal mission statement is:  "bring the positive impact arou...

3 top lessons of the year

Looking back at 2017, I  can obviously see many insights from the experiences I had. Many of them can be correlated to the things that happen in the others life for sure. So, i would like to share my top 3 lessons I learned in 2017. First lesson:  Money is not  the root of all evil!     When people can help faster, better and more people? When you have more possibilities! These possibilities is easier to create or provide when you have money, neither you don't. Let's really take a look, why a lot of people struggling in relationship discussing about money. Is it because they have them a lot. Or it's because they do not have them enough? I guess you know the answer!     Also, it's much easier to surprise people you love, having money then not! You can make their dreams to become true faster and it's quite important since a lot of us do not live 100 years.     Money is just a tool and same as knife - you can prepare a fantastic dinner...

Thanking the ones, that bring the impact in my life!

 Hey, periodically I write about people that I feel very thankful, because they contribute to who I am today! They make me feel happier and show me a better world and many interesting opportunities around! Saying this, I would like to  mention in this article: 1. Inna Gurinova - is one of my best friends from former colleagues, that was always super straight about things and honestly presented her point of view. She is an amazing mom and friend, ready to give you a hand of help, good advice and a doze of positive motivation! I always felt that Inna can come up with a strong opinion about things, having wise arguments behind it!  No matter how far we are now, I am always feeling very happy when we talk  or call each other! 2. Zanda Saulite - is my today's colleague from Swedish courses and neighbor. I like her critical mind and very sharp humor! Zanda always gives  supportive hints during our experience of studding new language, since she knows it quite be...

Trust in yourself is a habit!

   Lots of people would be able to achieve better results in their daily life, if they trusted themselves! Unfortunately, in many cases we do not believe 100% that we can achieve what we want. Our thoughts stop us to succeed!    The good news is that we can change this! Trusting yourself is a habit and could be developed through repetition! Since we feel unsure in 2 cases: 1) when we experience something for the first time, we deal with something unknown. 2) when we experienced something negative previously  and have to repeat similar experience. For example, when you have to talk in front of the audience, your emotions defined by previous experiences. If you didn't had the supportive audience before - you will feel very insecure or even stressed. Have you ever noticed that people, that have been supported by their family in childhood, feels more self confident and sure when they talk about something or take actions? It's because they have positive experie...

Magic tips for efficient communication in your team!

    One of the most important topics in efficient team management is effective communication . This is really the key to the highest results of the team. If team members communicate effectively, they do not need to redo tasks.Thus, they save priceless time and have more time for other things to do. Effective communication also means smaller number of conflicts between the team members. During communication people try to understand each other. Of course, care and empathy can help to understand better your interlocutor. So, in other words  effective communication reduce stress level in the team, saves time and provides high productivity.     Shortly, talking about efficient communication, we have few elements: 1) sender - the one that send the message 2) receiver - the one, that receive the message 3) the message itself 4) encoding - the process of transforming idea into a message 5) decoding - the process of transforming message into an idea 6) feedback...

What qualities people appreciate in their managers?

    How many of us would like to be a good respectful manager of the group? If you answered with an "yes", then this article is for you!     I would share few ideas what people are expecting from good managers and you can check how many of them do you have. 1) "My manager always listen and care about what I am saying" , - that's one of the phrases we met among  many employees who had good ratings for their managers.      It's so important to people who work in your company to be noticed. They feel their importance if managers pay attention to what they say. Moreover they appreciate the ability of manager to understandб feel compassion and be involved in the discussions. We noticed that usually, employees come to their managers in case their really feel the topic very important for them. If it's not- they try to handle it by themselves! 2) "My manager is sincere  and direct" , - that is another characteristic that many employees like in...

Капкан для тренера и как в него не попасть!

       Подытоживая 2017, я могу отметить, что в профессиональном плане было много осознаний и важных просветлений. Одно из них, я бы хотела адресовать корпоративным тренерам.        Я начинала работать как тренер с начала 2012 года, итого 6 лет. Начало моей карьеры связано с международной организацией, которая развивает лидерские способности в молодых людях, посредством международного обмена. Обучать лидерским качествам и развивать стратегическое мышление в участниках нашей организации и многих других внешних проектах было нереально интересно. Все, кто приходил на тренинг, осознавали насколько интересно и полезно "подковать" свои навыки и получить не только дозу новых знаний,  но и катализатор улучшения эффективности на долгосрочную перспективу. Мы развивали новые программы и обеспечивали преемственность высоких навыков от уходящих лидеров к новоизбранным.Мы обучали и обучались сами. Наша команда тренеров и ее популярность выросла на стольк...

3 "Таблетки" от бездействия

    Сегодня все, что находится дальше одного клика, порождает лень и прокрастинацию (склонность к постоянному откладыванию даже важных и срочных дел). Запланировал сегодня прочитать книжку - отложил на завтра утром. Решил заняться спортом - нашел тысячи других занятий, которые оказались на порядок важнее 20 минут упражнений. Решил приготовить полезный здоровый ужин - после работы уставший завалился на диван и заказал пиццу на  дом. И так каждый день по кругу.    Что делать, чтобы можно было быстро вводить в действия принятые решения? Используйте следующие 3 "таблетки" от бездействия и хоть одна, да окажет нужный эффект. 1) Примените правило 5-ти.     Как только вы подметили, что вы начинаете цепляться за потенциальные оправдания своего бездействия считайте в уме: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 и произнесите "ДЕЛАЙ!"      Сразу беритесь за то, что вы решили сделать, не дайте мозгу одурачить Вас и остановить перед намеченной целью. Мозг всегда...

A day from your future life!

      Hey. Since I practice and experience different tools and methods regarding goal setting and maximum achievements, I would like to share an interesting experience.        Not so far ago, I was thinking about the concept, that if you want to be a successful person- you have to do what successful people do. In a way - you do not have to reinvent the wheel. I like partially this idea. Because you can learn a lot from successful people and move better to you own results. But I do not feel me super comfortable with this idea, since I would like to have my own way of leaving, not copying somebody's life. Why that  I realized, that if I have already understood what I want to be in my life - I have to describe how my day from this "dream life " will be. And here I am talking about usual day, since relaxing on the beach and drinking pina colada is something awesome, but make me feel bored super fast!       So, how do I imagine m...

How to make a step from DREAM to GOAL?

   To dream about something is very nice and feels so secure. And once you decided to realize this DREAM  you have to take some RESPONSIBILITY and you have to take ACTIONS! At this state your dream becomes a GOAL! This is what stop many people to have goals! There is much more comfortable to just dream about what you would like to have in your life, then really work on this, isn't it? Actions scare a lot of people, that is why the majority of people never succeeding. Where do you want to be?     It's your choice - you can talk about wanting to have a great business. And you can talk about how you want to advance your career. Or you can actually make your goals become a reality!     Being comfortable and live in the dreams or create your own success, exploring what you are up to do, moving to real RESULTS!     What changes when you decide to transform you dream into a goal? You clearly see in which direction you have to walk! You wil...

How to define value from principle?

 Let me present the differences between values and principles, presenting my friends' (let's call her Anna) story. Anna says that the most important thing  for her in relation is respect. How she behave, showing respect to others? She do not interrupt her colleagues. She try to understand others position. Not just presenting her point of view. She  accept people as they are and do not try to change them So, in case of Anna, what do you think is value and what do you think is principle? Values reflect important things in our lives, that do not have a physical form, but present a high level of value.  Principles reflect a certain way of behavior.Principles help us to be aware about HOW we act. So, in case of Anna, as you've already understood, "respect"- is value and "no interrupting" is principle. In conclusion, if you want to understand easier what are you talking about (value or principle) just check it by the questions:  ...

What are the anchors of your life?

    Our life remind me the sea, being the ship, floating on the waves!  Floating could be successful, if we know how to manage the ship and sail even if there are strong storms outside! The useful strategy in big storm is to lie down in a drift. That means to release a floating anchor or some weight  from the front part of the ship. So, anchors could help the ship to be more stable in the storm and survive it.     For the human life the anchors are - values! Values are not material things of our life, that have important and worth value for us (for example: love, health). We can't touch them or divide in two, but we know that they exist as concept and have a certain form in our life, mean for us something special.     Values divide our world in important things and not important once. Why that it's so important to know what is important for you, what fulfill your days with the special sense. If you experienced before the feeling of regret o...

Have you ever tried goal setting as a family? My personal sharing.

   Goal setting is an important part of my life. From school I have been organizing hardly my preparations for homework and tests. It was always in the last day or hour. So, It wasn't an easy time and I always was reminded by my parents that I need to do things.    In university the weren't parents around me and I started to explore what can help me to succeed in my results and be able to achieve what I want. I have to mention that my courses were in not my native language and I really need a lot of time and to put a lot of effort to accomplish all tasks. In this way I started my journey, regarding GOAL SETTING.    Today, I have a huge experience in making my goal true! And it's not so hard as it seems for a lot of us, if you know some secret principles that change your perception about things you want to have or become. One the newest experiences I had is goal setting with your partner.  Is more complex, because there is not just what you desire in...

Results or People? Things that matter more for company's success!

  Every company want to succeed as fast as possible with the less possible costs, right? This concept in management world is called efficiency . Usually, top and middle managers in the company build  processes that assure the best way of development, that means the most efficient way to accomplish main  KPIs ( Key Performance Indicators). From theoretical point of view it's all about results.    But if we take a  look what is behind that we will see another word: "PEOPLE"!     Who brings results? - PEOPLE!     Who decides how the company should develop? - PEOPLE!     Who pay for the company's services or product? - again  PEOPLE!    So, yes, It's all about people, their potential, the strategies they build and attitude they act!    From one of the founders I have been working in 2014, I heard a very wise expression: " People come for the salary, but leave because of the Managers !" And that's...

Emotional state kills your successful communication!

       How do you usually treat your interlocutor that behave confident?..With respect? With trust?        How do you usually treat a person that look at you suspiciously?.. Probably, distrustful. It's so important to realize that the inner state  of your interlocutor  affects  your attitude and perception about him. This works same for him: your inner state effects his perception about you and your message! Our inner world is usually affected by emotions we experience at the moment of communication. Let see how does it work. Imagine a situation. You established an appointment with somebody. This somebody is late for 10 minutes. Now imagine 2 scenarios: 1) This somebody is a lovely person you care a lot and like unconditionally. What would you say to him or her when she would come?     "What happened, sweetie?"      "Oh, so glad you arrived, I was really worrying what happened"     ...

The habit of being thankful for people that make my life lighter and more successful!

    It's super important to acknowledge people that contribute to your development and achievements! That is why I would like to thank people periodically for who am I today!       Jian Reza - is my teacher of Swedish courses. She is amazing, super energetic and very fair person! I feel our group very lucky that we have such a teacher, because It's super interesting to come for dynamic lessons (by the way, our lessons are almost half of the usual working day) and learn by discussing new concepts of Swedish society! She also sometimes organize our visits to museums or libraries and help new comers to integrate faster! I am very thankful for her energy, help to be included in society and her fair attitude to everybody!     Tetiana Siianko - is first person who believed in me and made me part of interesting project in Sweden "Startup Weekend", where I was able to connect with a lot of interesting people, mentors and super active young entrepreneur...

Do you think that taking notes during the training sessions is "a grandma's method "?

     Yes and Not. These answers I will give to the question that you read in the headline of the article: "Do you think that taking notes during the training sessions is  "a grandma's method "?"     "Yes" , because training is a form of education, that should consist 80% of practices . Even if there is parts of reflection  or debriefing - there is still a lot of practice, that help people to learn information. I love trainings more than usual courses, because it is about learning by doing. You practice and develop a certain skill, same as in sport. But in this case is your personal or professional skill. The trainer evaluate you and give feedback and you try again.     "No" , because notes are super  important! -Why? Let's see: 1) Because using notes and pencil (not laptop or phones) boost your understanding. When you write a note by hand it helps to recall the concepts in your brain, so you better understand them and memorize e...

How to deal easier with your team-members?

   A lot of people have difficulties in communication with their colleagues, because we have so many differences. We have different background, cultures, education, believes, values and so on. All of this makes us unique and reflects our personality. This part is beautiful about humans. The sad part is that is much harder to understand other people and their points of view  when we have different point of views.    In this article I would like to share with you one of the concepts, that will bring more clarity to how is easier to understand your colleagues and deal efficiently with them. This concept is based on their strong qualities as team members.    Usually, everybody has  a strong role in the team. To define this, ask yourself if your colleague like to wok more with: - people,  - ideas  - or tasks ? Then ask yourself if this colleague is more focus on : - result oriented person, strategical , - process oriented person,...

One of my methods to deal with negative emotions in daily communication with my team

     How many of you think that communication in the team is crucial  for high performances and trust feeling?      How many of you saw how inefficient communication could effect negatively welfare of the  employees particularly and companies in general?       Usually our communication is effected the most by our emotions. We make a lot of assumptions, we experience negative emotions, because we react in a certain way to the things that  happened.       I experienced by myself that every time I see an unfair treatment from somebody to anybody around me or myself - I got on fire and can explode in criticism or  rude tone. But many people who deal with me could not describe me as impulsive or offensive person. And that's because I explore myself a lot to understand why do I have these reactions. For example, why if somebody from work calls me in weekend, it may irritate me. I know that in this case my emo...

What make me feel furious about what I am doing: trainer's experience.

    I have been delivering trainings for the last 5 years.    As a trainer I also attend regularly different courses , programs and seminars to explore new things, to get a doze of motivation, to establish new connections, to learn from others' experiences. And the sad part is when you see your colleagues making the stage just the promotional arena, forgetting about people's need learn or practice something.     It's truly sad to realize how many participants invest their time, sacrificing the possibility to spend it with their family, to create a new business idea that can change maybe entire world or just invest their time in making something useful for society (as example - plant a tree).     I would not like to point in this article people who call themselves "trainers" and don't provide value, because you probably met them  on your life journey, but I am feeling sad about other my colleagues, who make a fantastic job, changing ...

"You should" attitude kills productivity!

      For how many times have you heard somebody saying that "you should" do something, act in a certain way, achieve more, etc? For how many times you have been telling yourself that you "should"?       Let me assume, that both approaches don't sound very inspiring! Don't make you feel more enthusiastic to jump into a new journey, to implement new habits or principles in you life or any other things.      "You should" attitude is creating a resistance in our mind. It's something that focus us on negative expectations, paint and fear to try.  What if there are other ways of making things that are important, but not so pleasant to do? Let's play with our mind and find interesting ways of dealing with the things we don't like so much, but have to do.      From my personal experience I feel me more motivated, more wanting to do thing when: a) I focus on positive things  I get out of that particular activity. Fo...

5 Super important causes "why it's important to know yourself"!

     Have you ever thought why some people develop faster or achieve their goals easier ? One of the key factors that makes the difference is knowing yourself !      I would like to present you 5 causes why it's important to take time and reflect who you are and what you are doing.? How do you do every day's activities? What makes you strong? What could make you stronger? How do you use opportunities? How can you bring more impact in society? How can you be less dependent on external factors?     Everything you have in your life now - is a result of the choices you once made. And the further you go with the wrong choices - the harder is to succeed or feel joy and happiness.    So, here are the 5 causes I consider super important to understand yourself better and to make an impactful self assessment!    1. When you go to shop, you buy items in limit of your money, right? So, the same with your potential: when you start an...